How Augmented Reality Will Change Education Completely

How Augmented Reality Will Change Education Completely
August 11, 2022 0 Comments

How augmented reality is transforming learning and teaching is a TED Talk that we need to watch again. In this talk, Gemma Busoni, a Thiel Fellow and co-founder of the VR start-up Discovr Labs, discusses why she thinks VR will transform education and how it can keep students interested. In the video below, Gemma discusses the many ways VR can change education and how it can make students curious about everything.

Gemma Busoni

Despite the widespread skepticism that virtual reality is a bad thing, a recent high school graduate has found a way to revolutionize education through VR. She’s the co-founder of a VR start-up called Discovr and was recently featured on the cover of Seventeen magazine. In this interview, Gemma Busoni shares her insights on the future of education and how virtual reality can help students stay curious.

Sir Robinson

While many educators are skeptical about augmented reality and its potential to improve education, Sir Robinson’s TED talk on the future of learning is highly informative. He makes the case that augmented reality can transform education and make learning more fun. This talk is well worth the time and effort to watch. In a TED conference, he speaks to an audience of more than 40,000 people from over 160 countries.

TED talks are unique because they’re presented by passionate advocates with an objective of sparking creativity and sharing original ideas. The format has become so popular that viewers are encouraged to participate. There is no agenda other than sharing ideas and sparking imaginations. A TED talk is free of commercial interests and is an excellent place to share ideas. The TED platform has helped create some of the most influential figures in education.

Tiffany Lam

There are many ways AR and VR will affect education, but two new technologies have great potential to revolutionize learning. AR overlays digital elements onto real-life images, and VR blocks out the physical world, letting students enter a seemingly real space. This new technology could revolutionize the learning process, allowing teachers to use a single, interactive medium to deliver the curriculum to students. It could also change the way people think and feel.

For those who are concerned about privacy, AR may become a serious problem for students. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent privacy breaches, while still incorporating AR into education. There are guidelines for designing AR user interfaces, and it’s important to avoid over-using AR, which can lead to students missing out on environmental cues and losing interest in the real world. By combining AR and VR, educators can deliver more engaging, personalized learning experiences to students.

Mfon Akpan

Professor Mfon Akpan, a virtual reality enthusiast, gives a talk about how VR can improve education and enrich students’ lives. Using this technology, students can travel the world, learn new languages, and gain a global perspective. If educators are not aware of the potential of VR, they should be. Akpan explains why educators should care about VR, and how it will change the face of education. The talk is titled “How Virtual Reality Will Change Education,” but it was given in 2018.

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