TED Talks on How Technology Can Change Education

TED Talks on How Technology Can Change Education
August 11, 2022 0 Comments

Can technology change education? Yes! But how? In this article, we’ll look at three TED Talks by Salman Khan, Jordan Shapiro, and Plan Ceibal to learn more about how these innovative educational initiatives are impacting society. And we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each one. In the end, you’ll come away inspired and informed. If you haven’t yet watched these talks, I encourage you to do so.

TED Talks

If you’re interested in technology for education, you’ve probably seen TED Talks by Bill Gates and others. Bill Gates addresses a fundamental shortcoming in the U.S. educational system: students from other countries are far better at reading, math, and science than their American counterparts. His TED Talk has been watched nearly two million times on YouTube and the TED website, and he’s not alone.

Salman Khan’s Khan Academy

During the past few years, the world has witnessed a revolution in education, with the rise of YouTube professor Salman Khan, who turned his former career as a hedge fund analyst into the renowned Khan Academy. The 35-year-old has amassed over 3,000 digital lectures that are now available to anyone, free of charge. Thousands of teachers and students are now using Khan’s teaching method, which he explains in simple, step-by-step video lectures.

Salman Khan’s TED Talks

Salman Khan is an education reformer who is using technology to make education interactive and accessible. One example of this is the Khan Academy, which uses software to grade assignments and highlight the areas where students struggle. He wants students to develop mastery of every subject, and hopes that the world will follow suit. To change education, technology will need to be used more efficiently and effectively. This is why Sal Khan is a hero, and you should watch his TED Talks on how technology can change education.

Bryan Alexander’s TED Talk

Dr. Bryan Alexander is a futurist, speaker, author, and consultant who studies the future of education. He’s passionate about the role of technology in the classroom. He uses technology in his talks to discuss the impact of education on society. You’ll want to listen to his TED Talk if you’ve not already. There’s a lot to take in! Read on to learn more about how technology can change education.

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