What is TED Education?

If you’re looking for an educational platform, then you’ve probably heard of TED-Ed. But what is this organization and its YouTube channel? Is TED-Ed just a YouTube channel or is it a more elaborate club? Let’s find out. Read on for some quick facts. The TED-Ed organization was founded by the Sapling Foundation, a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve lives.
TED-Ed is a YouTube channel
TED-Ed is a YouTube educational channel made by the TED Conferences LLC. Each of its talks is distributed for free online. The YouTube channel’s educational lessons feature short animated videos created by a team of educators, animators, and TED staff. The videos can be viewed on YouTube or through a website. At the time of this writing, TED-Ed has more than 10 million subscribers and 1.5 billion views.
It’s a platform
In the world of education, TED-ed has achieved great success. These short, high-quality videos are made in collaboration with world-renowned experts and are linked to resources, discussions, and learning objectives. They are also freely available on the Ted Education website and YouTube channel. The platform is comprised of over 100,000 short videos. In this way, it is an excellent choice for educators looking for educational videos with a global impact.
It’s an assessment tool
With an extensive collection of digital learning resources and tools, Kahoot! has become one of the most popular digital assessment tools. This platform allows teachers to turn learning into a fun game and upload their own media files to create unique games. There are also plenty of ready-made materials and exercises to choose from. All students in the class use their own personal computers, and the questions are displayed on a shared screen for everyone to see. As a result, every student is completely engaged in class.
It’s a club
For more information on the TED-Ed movement, check out the website tededucation.com. The nonprofit organization is aimed at inspiring a better world through a series of talks. The goal is to bring together people from different fields to discuss a common topic. A recent event was held in New Jersey, where TED-Ed clubs gained a global audience. The events promote critical thinking, a passion for learning and an appreciation for different perspectives.
It’s a non-profit
The foundation was started by Melissa Earls and Chris Tieri. Supported by Dan Durgin, it was incorporated on April 3, 2007. Soon after, Chris Tieri presented the foundation’s first rollout to fifty people at Kaizen’s in Cambridge, MA. Country Bank and Southbridge Savings joined as the first corporate donors. The organization was preparing to host a brunch in Old Sturbridge Village.