TED-Ed, TED-Ed Club, and Bill Gates’ Education TED Talk

TED-Ed, the TED-Ed Club, and Bill Gates’ TED talk are among the many ways to spread a passion for education to the world. To get started, learn more about Bill Gates’ TED Talk and what it has to offer. In this piece, I’ll discuss how TED-Ed clubs and TED-Talks can benefit educators, parents, and students.
If you are looking for engaging educational content, then look no further than TED-Ed. This nonprofit organization has created a series of short, high-impact talks that make complicated subjects easy to understand and apply to everyday life. Not only are the videos excellent, but they can also help you support flipped-class lessons and connect you with a community of thought-leaders. Here are the top 25 reasons why you should incorporate TED-Ed into your classroom:
The topic of education is a big issue in the world today, so TED-Talks on this topic are sure to have something to say about it. Featuring such distinguished speakers as Angela Lee Duckworth, Bill Gates, Rita F. Pierson, and Ken Robinson, these discussions are sure to give you a fresh take on the subject. They’re also hosted by John Legend, so you’re sure to find a talk that will inspire you.
TED-Ed Clubs
The benefits of TED-Ed clubs for education are many, and include civic responsibility, public speaking, and the development of tolerance and questioning authority. Clubs can take place during school hours or after school. The curriculum provides the tools for exploration sessions, and club leaders are provided with a facilitator’s guidebook. TED-Ed believes that a uniform curriculum does not work in every school setting, so it creates a flexible, adaptive model for each one.
Bill Gates’ TED Talk
The first Bill Gates’ education TED Talk will air on television, April 16, on PBS. The speech will feature Gates and fellow TED Speakers Sir Ken Robinson and Geoffrey Canada. Though Gates has spoken at TED events numerous times, this will be his first television appearance. He’ll also appear with his wife Melinda on the topic of birth control. Several of his previous TED Talks have focused on education.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk
“The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adechie is a culturally relevant TED Talk that exemplifies the power of storytelling. Without her personal experiences, this TED Talk wouldn’t be nearly as compelling. Adichie’s talk, which combines statistics, personal anecdotes, and humor, is powerful in many ways.
John Green’s TED Talk
If you’re looking to get a new perspective on education, you should check out John Green’s education TED Talk. This passionate learner shares his passion for education in an online video. The TED talk also mentions some of his favorite educational YouTube channels, including Crash Course, MinutePhysics, and Smarter Every Day. He even mentions the Vlogbrothers, who regularly produce education-themed videos.
Salman Khan’s TED Talk
A recent TED Talk by billionaire entrepreneur Salman Khan has reimagined education for the 21st century. He explains that education should be like learning martial arts or playing a musical instrument. Students should not move on to calculus before mastering the basics of algebra and trigonometry. This model makes sense because students who master one lesson perform better than their peers who skip the rest of the course.