TED Talks – What Is a College Education?

When we consider the value of a college education, we usually think of a degree that will earn a person a good job. But did you know that a college education can make that difference? Then, we think about the gi bill, sustained American prosperity, and expansive government that helped more people get a college education. That’s right – 50 percent of an age cohort went to college in the 50s and 60s. Those were the days of the gi bill. Now, nearly half of an age cohort goes to college.
TED Talks
If you’re a college student or planning to attend one in the future, TED Talks about college education are the perfect way to get inspired and motivated. These talks are given by world-class speakers who challenge our preconceived notions of what education should be like. TED carefully chooses charismatic lecturers to share their thoughts on a variety of topics. Many of these topics may seem dry, but TED talks have a way of making even the most academic subject accessible and approachable.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s talk, The Danger of a Single Story, explores how the choices we make when it comes to our lives affect the people we encounter in our lives. Using her experiences as a child in Nigeria and her interactions with her American college roommate, Ngozi Adichie discusses how stories shape our lives and how to tell them in a way that benefits the listener.
TED as an active-learning strategy
Using TED talks as an active-learning strategy in the classroom is a great way to introduce students to new ideas, perspectives, and topics. These short, five-minute talks are also a great way to expose students to different perspectives and skills. Students can even create their own “talks” to broadcast on school morning news or to distribute to classmates. TED Talks are a great way to develop 21st century skills while exposing students to new ideas and perspectives.
While the TED phenomenon is a reaction to the digital generation, it is also a direct message to academia. The high-quality presentations that are common to TED are memorable, concise, and inspiring. The talks are considered yardsticks for what makes a great presentation. While educators should not consider TED as a stand-alone strategy, it is a valuable component of the overall course sequence.
Value of a college education
While a college education is an excellent investment, rising costs have caused some people to hesitate. With the current robust labor market, the return on an education can be difficult to see. While the debt incurred during college is immediately felt, the higher earnings paid back during the course of a lifetime should be more than enough to justify a higher cost of attendance. But how can you decide whether or not a college education is worth the cost?
The first question to ask yourself is, “What is the real value of a college education?” The answer will depend on who you ask. Some people will point to the economic value of a college degree, while others will focus on the social benefits. Either way, the cost of a college education is a major investment, and you cannot afford to neglect it. Nonetheless, you should try to strike a balance between the two.
TED as a motivational tool
TED as a motivational tool for your college education can benefit students in a number of ways. In addition to fostering creativity, TED Talks can help kids learn more about the world around them. They can also help kids learn about the common struggles of literary heroes, such as the effects of creative boredom and autopilot brain activity. Some of these talks are even available on YouTube. You can find them on any TED website, or use them in your own classroom.
Lesson plans can be developed around TED videos through the “lesson creator” platform. The curated “TED Originals” section allows teachers to assess student engagement with the material. Additionally, the “lesson creator” platform lets instructors organize assignments based on specific videos. In addition, teachers can use any YouTube video for their classes, but the “TED-Ed Originals” section is especially helpful for college teachers.